Monday, January 17, 2011

Jumping in...

Okay, here I go joining the millions of others that feel they've got something to say that others might be interested in hearing, well, reading. I thought I'd start by stating, or trying to state what I want the purpose of this blog to be. For me and my readers. What readers? I want readers? Otherwise this is really just a glorified secret diary. So if I want readers, do I mind if I actually know the readers in "real life"? That might determine the content of my musings. I'm all ready blathering on and I'm only on my first paragraph of my first post. Not gonna attract any potential readers that way. 

I guess what I mostly wanted to talk about is what I've learned since the birth of my daughter. It's been an entirely different pregnancy, birth and day to day routine than what I experienced with my two older boys. With them (ages 17 and 14) I did everything "by the book".  And when I say book, I mean a real book, "What to Expect When You're Expecting".  I did everything my ob/gyn said and also tried to sort through a lot of advice from well-meaning friends and family.  I felt ok with these decisions for the most part, mostly because I didn't know of another way. But I didn't feel particularly fulfilled as a mom. It was a job, a responsibility, a journey that ended with the kids getting out of the house so that my husband and I could then enjoy ourselves. We actually said that..."oh we had kids young, so by the time they're out of the house we'll still be in our forties and be able to enjoy ourselves." As I'm typing that phrase it looks so antiquated and well, mean. It smacks of the children-should-be-seen-and-not-heard mentality.

Then while we were on our merry way raising teenagers to "get out of the house", we got pregnant again. At ages 37 and 39. This child would SO not be out of the house while we were still in our forties. But then something else happened. Call it my hormones raging, call it maturity, new found patience, whatever, but I discovered.....I DIDN'T WANT THE KIDS TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! I loved my kids, I loved having them  home, I loved watching them grow into young men that we were so proud of and I was looking forward to them developing a relationship with their new sibling (who by the was was a girl born in June 2010) I grew up, grew in my love of being a mother to 2, soon to be 3, fabulous kids. So I guess, THIS is what my blog will be about....the changes I went through in having the baby girl I never thought I'd have.  I'll probably have some random musings, maybe some reviews and other things not related to the kids. Who knows, it's my blog, I'll do whatever I please, thank you very much. So read it if you're so inclined. And leave me a comment if that floats your boat as well. 

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